ONTARIO 1CALL was created by legislation in 1996 to allow underground infrastructure owners (Gas, Hydro, Bell, Telecom, Cable, Water, sewage etc.) to protect their property from inadvertent damage caused by digging, drilling or pounding objects into the ground. Using specialized equipment and engineering drawings they mark or flag the ground to locate their underground infrastructure before anyone digs, drills, or pounds objects into the ground minimizing the risk of damage. The reports and markings these companies or their agents produce are called “LOCATES.” Many different agencies are involved to provide a clearance for any given site. Corporate Signs Inc. applies for an manages the “LOCATE” process for all of our customers. Infrastructure owners and contractors like Corporate Signs Inc. are bound by legislation to ensure this process works safely.
The service is provided by the owners of the infrastructure that are operated by the major utilities and contractors that operate in the Province of Ontario. Corporate signs charges a small administration fee to provide the peace-of-mind for you by knowing that our installers will have the completed “LOCATE” clearance paperwork every single time we install a sign on you behalf.
ONTARIO 1CALL service standards provides for a 5 day turn around time. In practice this service varies from 8 to 10 days due to peak summer construction periods and winter ground conditions and snow cover.
On your behalf Corporate Signs will file for the “LOCATE” with ONTARIO 1CALL based on address information and if possible a Google Maps rendering of the location. On the 6th day we will follow up with ONTARIO 1CALL until we receive the complete information for the site. (See Case Study for an actual LOCATE)
We commit to our customers to install your sign using our superior installation methods ONLY after all of the infrastructure owners have flagged the location and have responded to our request. Our trained installers will have copies of the “LOCATE” responses from each agency in the truck during installation. This reduces the risk and liability to your company, the property owner and our company arising from accidental contact or damage to the many kinds of underground infrastructure listed above. Having the “LOCATE” clearance paperwork in the truck allows our installers to double check the desired location further reducing the possibility of error.
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Click here to download file.